"Daddy, mom, you're heavy here! I already know all this!! »
Your ADO comes back from an evening with friends, head in the clouds, not very chatty. He is not hungry, locks himself in his room, monitors his cell phone. You think it's changed. Would he be sick? Or, maybe, just... in love.
The first messages that we transmit to our adolescents in sexuality are often tinted with our own fears: “What if he made love too soon? Are they mature enough and sure of them for this first time? What if he became a parent? What if he grabbed an IST? How can they love love, without too many forbids? Should we enter the technical details? Concretely, how do you think about this so intimate subject? »
Our ad(o)ultes gradually leave childhood and pass through this transitional period of adolescence before entering adulthood. How can we accompany them in this important step, when everything that comes from parents is not necessarily taken seriously? How can we approach the subject with them, without being intrusive? How can we protect them while letting them live their own experiences?
Talking about sexuality with her teenager is not necessarily always easy. This can make you uncomfortable, especially since there is no miracle recipe or answers made.
If you don’t feel comfortable on these questions, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a professional, such as a doctor or gynaecologist, to whom your teenager can ask all his questions.
As a parent, do not underestimate the role of model you already have. And know that sexuality is a subject that is very often addressed in an unplanned context!
Teenagers don’t want to talk about sexuality in detail with their parents, the simple idea of hearing them about sex makes them uncomfortable. And yet, there are all kinds of questions they would like to ask.
On the other hand, they don't like to get involved in their heart affairs, and they usually close to the first direct question asked.
"Did you ever make love?", "Do you know how to protect yourself?", "What are you doing in your room? »
These questions can be perceived as an intrusion in his privacy and he/she may brace.
You have to trust them, respect their privacy and, above all, trust their education.
They expect us to support, support and advice, rather than control their lives, choices and activities.
It is important for you, parents, to let this dialogue open by answering without taboo and explaining to your teenager gradually the evolutions that he will encounter. However, do not seek to force the exchange on sexuality with him. He just needs to know that he can talk to you about it.
In general, we find that our children have already experienced their first experience. It is rare that our teenagers warn us of the time and date of their first J report.
If your teenager tells you about the love relationships of his friends, what he read or heard, listen to what he has to say about the subject without judging his feelings. It is often for him a misguided way to “test” your listening and tolerance.
Take advantage of this moment of exchange, for the pleasure of discussing, to know what he himself thinks of the topics mentioned. Maybe he's looking, too, to know what you think
Risk-taking is part of the process of building identity in adolescence. Learning sexuality also, and as a parent you must accept the fact that unfortunately you cannot remove all the risks of your life.
On the other hand, the advice that you can give to your teenager is those that turn around the notions of self-protection, her body, an unplanned pregnancy or IST, respect for the other and her desires....
Repressing, dramatizing or judging your teenager on his choices, behaviours, acts, can rob him and lead him to escape any dialogue.
Transmit, listen, reassure without compromising, not simple?
LOOLS, A KIT for sex education
To help you, you can get them our "Sexual Education" kit, in order to accompany them and inform them in this second important step for them, their future adult life
Here they come to this new stage of life well informed.e and prepared.e!
To get one it’s here:Lools
Let them live this beautiful adventure of life, which is their..