I want to thank all those who, in so many ways, have contributed to this long-term work but so exciting
- All the people who wanted to give me an interview, their time and believe in this beautiful adventure with joy, good mood, availability, professionalism, advice and enthusiasm...
- The whole medical body, and a big thank you to the team of the private hospital in Saint Grégoire, for their valuable advice, listening and availability
- Marianne, for her corrections. Always available, especially in emergency moments..
- David, for his sublime models
- Ronan and Marc, who gave life in 3D to the Louloutes and the videos.
- My electrics and relectors, all also available in the emergency..
- Nathalie, Young and Anais, with whom I learned so much about the ways of manufacturing.
- Axel for all beautiful illustrations.
- Jean-Marie and Patricia, for the translations of the Kits, which can thus be accessible everywhere for the Louloute and the loulous of the world.
- Appoline, for his work on our social networks.
- Jean-Yves, for the printing of guides, calendars ...bref of all impressions.
- Kalista, Suzon and Annwenn, for the voice-offs of the Louloutes...
- My husband, my daughter and my two boys (always full of humor and decidedly very imaginative!) whose support and creativity have been very valuable.
- And also all those who live on the other end of the train, plane, email and phone lines
And adventure is just starting!