On December 7th, in Russia, in the small town of Iekaterinburg, one evening...As every evening, the security officers of the Boris Eltsine art centre, make their rounds and watch over the works of art that come from all over the world. Nights to run and contemplate and watch these wonders of the world. Nights that rehearse forever...
“The boredom is the only horrible thing in this world” wrote the novelist Oscar Wilde. And he didn't think so well!
A security officer, 60, gave us proof! He came to work for the first time at the Art Centre and managed to find a rather intriguing, original and tempting occupation..
To kill his boredom, he simply drew eyes on two of the three figures of the work entitled “three figures” by artist Anna Leporskaya.
The work of art represented three figures... without faces... did they want to make them more human?
These are two “eye” visitors who reported degradation. The security officer was immediately terminated and the restoration of the table is under way.
The mystery of the trouble finally solved ...Do what you like! He felt free to turn his boredom into a more exciting moment! Bravo the artist...